An Austin Divorce Attorney on "What (Not) to Wear to Court"

Austin Divorce Attorney, Austin Child Custody, Austin Family Law Attorney, Family law Attorney Austin

As an Austin Divorce attorney, it has surprised me over the years how many clients (many with successful careers) have arrived for their hearing inappropriately dressed or poorly groomed.  Family court judges are not just listening to what the parties say; they’re observing their demeanor, tone and appearance.  Because the facts of Austin child custody and divorce cases are often very similar, the judges hear the same talking points again and again, which means there is an even greater level of importance placed on what’s communicated non-verbally.  

The Do's and Don'ts on Dressing Appropriately for Court:

Contact an Austin Family Law Attorney

For a consultation with Jay D. Smith, call (512) 340-0002 or send us an email.